Results for 'Lester Snow King'

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  1. Medical Thinking a Historical Preface /Lester S. King. --. --.Lester S. King - 1982 - Princeton University Press, C1982.
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  2. (1 other version)What is disease?Lester S. King - 1954 - Philosophy of Science 21 (3):193-203.
    Biological science does not try to distinguish between health and disease. Biology is concerned with the interaction between living organisms and their environment. What we call health or disease is quite irrelevant.These reactions between the individual and his environment are complex. The individual and his surroundings form an integrated system which we can arbitrarily divide into two parts. There is an “external” component, by which we mean such factors as light, heat, percentage of oxygen in the air, quantity of minerals (...)
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    Treatise of Man. René Descartes, Thomas Steele Hall.Lester King - 1973 - Isis 64 (1):127-128.
  4.  34
    American Physicians in the 19th Century: From Sects to Science. William G. Rothstein.Lester King - 1973 - Isis 64 (4):567-568.
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    Achilles Pirmin Gasser, 1505-1577: Arzt und Naturforscher, Historiker und Humanist. Karl Heinz Burmeister.Lester King - 1971 - Isis 62 (4):543-544.
  6.  99
    Is medicine an exact science?Lester S. King - 1952 - Philosophy of Science 19 (2):131-140.
    It is an interesting paradox that on the one hand intemperate enthusiasm greets new medical discoveries. On the other hand, the lack of science in medicine is paraded from time to time, usually as a matter of apologetics, as, when a physician wishes to excuse an error, a lawyer to discredit a physician, or a jury to render a verdict contrary to medical evidence. Philosophers who insist on the mathematical or quantitative aspects in any definition of science ascribe very little (...)
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  7.  21
    Chronicle from Aldgate: Life and Death in Shakespeare's London. Thomas Rogers Forbes.Lester King - 1972 - Isis 63 (1):119-120.
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    A Short Title Catalogue of Eighteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of MedicineJohn B. Blake.Lester King - 1980 - Isis 71 (2):327-328.
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    Die inneren Verbindungen zwischen Philosophie und Medizin im 20. JahrhundertDietrich von Engelhardt Heinrich Schipperges.Lester King - 1982 - Isis 73 (1):115-116.
  10.  23
    The Growth of Medical Thought.Donald Emslie-Smith & Lester S. King - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (62):87.
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    Achilles Pirmin Gasser 1505-1577. Arzt und Naturforscher, Historiker und Humanist. Volume III: Briefwechsel. Karl Heinz Burmeister. [REVIEW]Lester King - 1977 - Isis 68 (2):321-321.
  12.  13
    Fundamenta medicinaeFriedrich Hoffmann Lester S. King.Jerome Bylebyl - 1972 - Isis 63 (1):124-124.
  13.  17
    An Era of InterminglingThe Road to Medical Enlightenment 1650-1695. Lester S. King.G. S. Rousseau - 1972 - Isis 63 (1):103-106.
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    The Growth of Medical Thought. Lester S. King.Frederic Holmes - 1964 - Isis 55 (2):227-228.
  15.  20
    General The Science of Matter. A Historical Survey. Selected Readings. Ed. by M. P. Crosland. London: Penguin Books, 1971. Pp. 440. 70p. A History of Medicine. Selected Readings. Ed. by Lester S. King. London: Penguin Books, 1971. Pp. 316. 60p. [REVIEW]C. A. Russell - 1972 - British Journal for the History of Science 6 (2):205-206.
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    American Medicine Comes of Age 1840-1920: Essays to Commemorate the Founding of the Journal of The American Medical Association, July 14, 1883. Lester S. King[REVIEW]Ronald Numbers - 1985 - Isis 76 (4):598-598.
  17.  26
    Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries The Road to Medical Enlightenment, 1650–1695. By Lester S. King. London: Macdonald, 1970. Pp. x + 209. £3.50. [REVIEW]William Bynum - 1972 - British Journal for the History of Science 6 (2):214-214.
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    Book Review:The Philosophy of Medicine: The Early Eighteenth Century Lester S. King[REVIEW] Engelhardt Jr - 1982 - Philosophy of Science 49 (1):149-.
  19.  29
    Eighteenth Century The Philosophy of Medicine: The Early Eighteenth Century. By Lester S. King. Cambridge, Mass. & London: Harvard University Press, 1978. Pp. viii + 291. £12.25. [REVIEW]C. J. Lawrence - 1980 - British Journal for the History of Science 13 (1):80-81.
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    The Philosophy of Medicine: The Early Eighteenth Century by Lester S. King[REVIEW]William Albury - 1979 - Isis 70:315-315.
  21. Mihail Neamtu: Jean-Luc Marion, De surcroît. études sur les phénomènes saturésRadu M. Oancea: Magda King, A Guide to Heidegger's Being and TimeAndrei Timotin: Andreas Michel, Die französische Heidegger-Rezeption und ihre sprachlichen KonsequenzenGabriel Cercel: Alfred Denker, Historical Dictionary of Heidegger's PhilosophyCristian Ciocan: John B. Brough & Lester Embree (eds.), The Many Faces of TimePaul Balogh: Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Heidegger's Concept of TruthPaul Marinescu: Cristina Lafont, Heidegger, Language, And World-DisclosureCristian Ciocan: Eliane Escoubas & Bernhard Waldenfels (eds.), Phénoménologie française et phénoménologie allemandeAndrei Timotin: Eckard Wolz-Gottwald, Transformation der Phänomenologie. Zur Mystik bei Husserl und HeideggerCristian Ciocan: Martin Heidegger, Ontology - The Hermeneutics of FacticityAndrei Timotin: Arkadiusz Chrudzimski, Die Erkenntnistheorie von Roman IngardenVictor Popescu: Jocelyn Benoist, L'apriori conceptuel. Bolzano, Husserl, SchlickCris. [REVIEW]Mihail Neamţu, Andrei Timotin, Gabriel Cercel, Cristian Ciocan, Paul Balogh, Paul Marinescu, Victor Popescu, Adina Bozga, Holger Zaborowski & Mihai Caplea - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (3):418-495.
    Jean-Luc MARION, De surcroît. Études sur les phénomènes saturés ; Magda KING, A Guide to Heidegger’s Being and Time ; Andreas MICHEL, Die französische Heidegger-Rezeption und ihre sprachlichen Konsequenzen ; Alfred DENKER, Historical Dictionary of Heidegger’s Philosophy ; John B. BROUGH & Lester EMBREE, The Many Faces of Time ; Daniel O. DAHLSTROM, Heidegger’s Concept of Truth ; Cristina LAFONT, Heidegger, Language, And World-Disclosure ; Eliane ESCOUBAS & Bernhard WALDENFELS, Phénoménologie française et phénoménologie allemande ; Eckard WOLZ-GOTTWALD, Transformation (...)
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    The Philosophy of Medicine: The Early Eighteenth Century Lester King Cambridge, Mass., & London: Harvard University Press, 1978. Pp. viii, 291. $17.50. [REVIEW]John P. Wright - 1982 - Dialogue 21 (1):153-156.
  23.  27
    The Growth of Medical Thought (review). [REVIEW]Patrick Romanell - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (2):237-238.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Book Reviews The Growth of Medical Thought. By Lester S. King. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963. Pp. ix + 254. $5.50.) The author of this book is "a pathologist with a background in history and philosophy," to quote from the jacket. This combination of interests is reflected in the Preface itself, where it is stated, "The history of medicine is part of the history of ideas." (...)
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    Making meritocracy: lessons from China and India, from antiquity to the present.Tarun Khanna & Michael Szonyi (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Political Theologies of Justice: Meritocratic Values from a Global Perspective Michael Puett In fourth century BCE China, a religious revolutionary named Mozi emerged. In opposition to much of the religious practices and assumptions of the time, Mozi announced that Heaven, the highest god, was a just and non-capricious deity who had created the world for humanity. As a just deity, Heaven rewarded good humans and punished bad ones. And Heaven charged humans with creating a political order that did the same: (...)
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  25. On fineness of grain.Jeffrey C. King - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 163 (3):763-781.
    A central job for propositions is to be the objects of the attitudes. Propositions are the things we doubt, believe and suppose. Some philosophers have thought that propositions are sets of possible worlds. But many have become convinced that such an account individuates propositions too coarsely. This raises the question of how finely propositions should be individuated. An account of how finely propositions should be individuated on which they are individuated very finely is sketched. Objections to the effect that the (...)
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  26. Divine self-testimony and the knowledge of God.Rolfe King - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (3):279-295.
    A proof is offered that aims to show that there can be no knowledge of God, excluding knowledge based on natural theology, without divine self-testimony. Both special and general revelation, if they occur, would be forms of divine self-testimony. It is argued that this indicates that the best way to model such knowledge of God is on the basis of an analogy with knowledge gained through testimony, rather than perceptual models of knowledge, such as the prominent model defended by Plantinga. (...)
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    Surfing the Sublime: Tim Winton's Breath and Eco-Heroism.Steve Mentz - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):79-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Surfing the Sublime:Tim Winton's Breath and Eco-HeroismSteve Mentz (bio)The sublime represents an ecological problem. Breathing poses an entangled solution. Surfing, in which a human body stands upright inside a rotating barrel of unbreathable whitewater, provides a way to imagine the connection between these two things.The sublime has represented an elevated category of literary language since the classical writer Longinus's On the Sublime (~1st century CE). From the start, the (...)
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  28. Transcendentality and the Gift.King-Ho Leung - 2022 - Modern Theology 38 (1):81-99.
    This article seeks to consider the compatibility between the doctrine of the Trinity and the theory of the transcendental properties by offering a consideration of the notion of the ‘gift’ as a transcendental term. In particular, this article presents a re-reading of John Milbank’s influential theology of the gift through Colin Gunton’s project of developing ‘trinitarian transcendentals’. In addition to showing how Milbank’s notion of the gift could be systematically understood in terms of what Gunton calls a ‘trinitarianly developed transcendental’ (...)
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    An Explanation for School Failure: Moving Beyond Black Inferiority and Alienation as a Policy-Making Agenda.Kimberly Lenease King, Irene S. Houston & Renée A. Middleton - 2001 - British Journal of Educational Studies 49 (4):428-445.
    Numerous authors identify a white supremacist ideology that shapes the educational opportunities for racially diverse students. We contend that this ideology informs educational policy and hampers the likelihood that racially diverse populations can achieve success at levels similar to students of European descent. In this paper we define the white supremacist ideology as it informs education policy and practices. Three examples from the United States are then used to illustrate the influence of such an ideology. These examples include the creation (...)
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  30.  12
    The Here and Now or the Hereafter: Feminist Theology and Women's Experience in Conflict.Ellen Clark-King - 2003 - Feminist Theology 12 (1):53-64.
    Feminist theology is committed both to listening to the voices of women outside the academy and to challenging all theology that is oppressive to women. This article discusses the tension between these two imperatives when women inside and outside the academy disagree about what is oppressive. The lens through which this is explored is that of differing views about finitude and eternity between feminist academics and working-class women in the north-east of England. This article is an attempt to make sure (...)
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    (1 other version)Value and existence in chinese and western philosophy.John King-Farlow - 1985 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 12 (3):297-303.
  32. A Vision Transformed: Teilhard de Chardin's Evolutionary Awakening at Hastings.Ursula King - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (4):590-605.
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    Construct-Specific and Timing-Specific Aspects of the Home Environment for Children’s School Readiness.Yemimah A. King, Robert J. Duncan, German Posada & David J. Purpura - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  34. Sonority constraints on tonal patterns.Ping Jiang-King - 1999 - In Kimary N. Shahin, Susan Blake & Eun-Sook Kim (eds.), Proceedings of the 17th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. CLSI. pp. 332--346.
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    Theology and the Social Consciousness.Henry Churchill King - 2020 - BoD – Books on Demand.
    Reproduction of the original: Theology and the Social Consciousness by Henry Churchill King.
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    Oughts in pure and practical reason (some metaphilosophical morals).John King-Farlow & William Niels Christensen - 1980 - Metaphilosophy 11 (3-4):252-255.
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    “Could God be Temporal?” A Devil's Advocacy.John King-Farlow - 1963 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):21-28.
  38. Explaining Donnellan's Distinction.Jeffrey King & Michael Liston - 1984 - Analysis 44 (1):13 - 14.
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    Substance, Substratum, and Personal Identity.John King-Farlow - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (4):678 - 683.
    My real intention, however, is not to praise Wilson but to harry him. His argument seeks to give us substances, concrete individuals, without the prop of a Lockean substrate and without the Humean stigma of reducibility to bundles of properties. Wilson explicitly aims at doing justice in his doctrine to our rather hazy ordinary beliefs about individuals. He writes: "Goodman's language is remote from our ordinary ways of looking at the world and our ordinary ways of speaking about it. At (...)
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    The conquest of fear..Basil King - 1921 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Garden City publishing co..
    This is not such a book. It suggests no simple recipe for the conquest of fear.
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    Sämtliche Werke von Plato (review).Philip Merlan - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (2):238-239.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:238 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY that enigmatic Swiss iatrochemist sympathetically. In any event, Dr. King's sympathetic approach to Paracelsus manages to throw considerable light on the Paracelsian advice to all future physicians: Don't read books! Read the stars, but read them "in Neo-Platonic fashion" (p. 114)! While the author is "judicious" about Galen and Paracelsus in particular, he is far from being so when it comes to Friedrich Hoffmann, (...)
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    Leadership in a New Nation; Political Development in Israel.G. F. H. & Lester G. Seligman - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):488.
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    Rāmānuja on the Yoga.Sengaku Mayeda & Robert C. Lester - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):538.
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    The Aesthetics of Dress.Ian King - 2017 - Springer Verlag.
    This text argues that dress is a more persuasive means of uncovering the character of aesthetics in contemporary life than traditional examinations employing fine art. Traditionally, fine art was the most widely used means to illustrate and amplify the guise of aesthetics, and yet, despite this rich level of attention, the literature is generally disappointing and beset by confusion and criticism.
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    A Philosophy of Sacred Nature: Prospects for Ecstatic Naturalism ed. by Leon Niemoczynski and Nam T. Nguyen.Robert W. King - 2016 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 52 (1):114-118.
    What are the possibilities for religious experience in the twenty-first century? While aggressive atheists might respond “None,” in thunder, any good Peircean knows we should not foreclose inquiry. For those who retain a post-orthodox religious temperament in post-modernity, Robert S. Corrington’s evolving account of Ecstatic Naturalism might prove a challenging, engaging framework for a transcendental naturalism. If one can read Emerson and Thoreau and ignore their religious dimension, so be it—attunement is crucial for Corrington, cultivating the habits of thought, the (...)
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    Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: Looking Back, Looking Ahead, and Listening Ever More Deeply.Sallie B. King - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:7-23.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Dialogue:Looking Back, Looking Ahead, and Listening Ever More DeeplySallie B. KingI was asked to give a brief overview of the subject of the Buddhist-Christian dialogue, looking back over its history and looking ahead to its future. I begin with two caveats. First, of necessity, this account will be very general and I will paint with a very broad brush. I cannot speak to the many variations and exceptions (...)
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  47.  17
    Education, individuality and community: International comparisons.Edmund King - 1980 - British Journal of Educational Studies 28 (2):112-123.
  48. Introduction.Ian King - 2017 - In The Aesthetics of Dress. Springer Verlag.
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    Michael Yahuda, Sino-Japanese Relations after the Cold War: Two Tigers Sharing a Mountain, Routledge , 150 pp.Amy King - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (4):599-601.
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  50. Towards an Adequate Concept of Church.John King - 1963 - The Thomist 27:11.
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